Coco's fountain crepes with mango ice cream on top
Filipino Dessert
For a simple coco 4-6pcs. crepes recipe
22grams of cocoa powder
4tblsp. all purposed flour
2pcs. of eggs
3-4tblsp. brown sugar
2tblsp. of orange soda for aroma
3tblsp scoop ice cream
1pc. apple or mango cut into strips
1pc. carrots cut into strips
25grams of butter
Making a batter coco crepes-
On a mixing bowl combine two pieces of beaten eggs, brown sugar, flour, cocoa powder, and add soda then give a good stir until no more white bubbles form.
Cooking coco crepe
heat up frying pan. Put a little amount of butter two tablespoon amount of coco batter for a crepe, Cook evenly for 5 seconds by sides.
Optional; Making sweetened carrots
-on a stockpot put 2-3 cups of water add 1/2 cup of sugar and add the carrots and bring to a boil for a minute then simmer for 30 minutes.
Plating: Any kind of plates
From the crepe add right amount of fresh mango or apple for feeling cut into half . Put 3 tablespoons scoops of ice cream on top and sweetened carrots for orange ribbon.
2pcs. of eggs
3-4tblsp. brown sugar
2tblsp. of orange soda for aroma
3tblsp scoop ice cream
1pc. apple or mango cut into strips
1pc. carrots cut into strips
25grams of butter
Making a batter coco crepes-
On a mixing bowl combine two pieces of beaten eggs, brown sugar, flour, cocoa powder, and add soda then give a good stir until no more white bubbles form.
Cooking coco crepe
heat up frying pan. Put a little amount of butter two tablespoon amount of coco batter for a crepe, Cook evenly for 5 seconds by sides.
Optional; Making sweetened carrots
-on a stockpot put 2-3 cups of water add 1/2 cup of sugar and add the carrots and bring to a boil for a minute then simmer for 30 minutes.
Plating: Any kind of plates
From the crepe add right amount of fresh mango or apple for feeling cut into half . Put 3 tablespoons scoops of ice cream on top and sweetened carrots for orange ribbon.
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